Having your home spotless, will result in a faster sale, a higher price, and quite frankly fewer people coming into your private domain. Let’s look at what areas you should focus on.
The number #1 biggest problem in most homes is clutter. You live with it and hardly know it. We are so use to seeing all those pictures on the refrigerator that one does not realize how distracting it is to a buyer. Clutter must go. The rule is, if it is a household item and you have not used it in 3 days it must go. Box it up, you are moving anyway, right? Clean lines are the objective. Remove all those knick knacks on the coffee table, pick the clothes off the floor, remove it! If in doubt, box it. Get apple boxes from your local grocery store, they work best.
Tomorrow we will look at #2.
Paul Dizmang
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