Purchasing 2nd homes or lake homes is easy when you have a good Realtor to help you out.
I am in the process of helping a client purchase a lake home on Tablerock Lake in Lampe, MO. It is an awesome home with a spectacular view, so we went ahead and video taped our podcast show right on the deck.
Wanna watch the podcast? Click on the picture and wait a few moments for it to load. Also, you should consider subscribing to my podcast series "(417) Dwellings!" in iTunes or any other podcasts news reader you may subscribe to. I am always talking about selling or buying houses or investing in rental properties or managing rental properties. Yeah, you could say I've got my hands full, but I love my job! :)
There is so much to consider when purchasing a 2nd home. What is your biggest concern about dealing with a 2nd home? Let's discuss this.
Until next time...
Question: For a retiring couple, who love the lake and have a small "nest egg" (20,000) stored away. What would be the ideal situation in purchasing that special get away place, for just the two of us?
I guess my concern would be, not being there all the time to take care of the property...what about break ins, water pipes, roofing problems and who'd be catching my big fish?!!! Of course, the big ones always get away.. No, but seriously, this would be a concern, especially a lake home that would be seasonal...what about time shares? Of course, with friends and family only? Would that be an option to consider regarding "keeping an eye on the property"?
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