Paul had a prospective tenant call on Friday and tell him that she was interested in renting one of our properties. She already had seen the property and wanted to turn in her rental application to us on Saturday, but we are closed on Saturday. She did not want to leave her application in the mailbox over the weekend, due to the sensitive personal information required to complete our application, of which we don’t blame her. So Paul told her to call me when she was ready to leave her application in the box and we would go up to the office and pick it up so that it wasn’t left in the box over the weekend.
So on Saturday afternoon, I hadn’t heard from her but I had to go into the office. She hadn’t left her application in the box yet, so I got my work done and then left. Sure enough, she calls about 25 minutes after I had already the left the office and says that she is in town running some errands and will drop it off at the office later. Not wanting to fight Springfield traffic back to the office, I had asked her where she was in town and offered to meet her (thinking and hoping that it would be closer to where I was then for me to go back to the office!). We worked out the details and I met her where she was headed to her next errand. In the parking lot where I had met her, I stood there and talked to her for a few minutes about expediting her application to get her into the property quicker. She made an off-the-cuff comment to me about how we were so nice to deal with and that we were “wonderful” to take care of this for her. And she drove off happy and I drove off with a little more insight on someone who turned in an application and will make a great tenant.
So what makes us wonderful? I think it is our commitment to customer service. It is in black and white within our mission statement that we strive to make our client’s our number one priority.
Now we’re not perfect and we’ve made our fair share of mistakes. There may even be some people, tenants and clients alike, reading this blog that do not think that Dizmang Properties is such a great company. But we’re never going to get better without your help. We need to know you’re input, comments, suggestions and complaints. We always tell our Tenants at lease signings… “we can’t fix the things we don’t know about because you haven’t told us”.
We put our surveys online on our web site, you can post comments on this blog, or Paul’s blog or Jessica’s blog. Heck, we’ll even take your comments that aren’t related to our company in particular! What do you want in the ideal real estate agent or landlord?
In other words…what can we do that would make you think that our company is the best thing since sliced bread?
You did exactly the right thing by going a little bit out of your way to help your client -- little things like that are what make people recommend your company to their friends, hopefully bringing more clients to you.
Thanks Erin for your comment and for reading our blog post. Your kinds words are truly appreciated and have made our day. Have a great week!
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