It's time to clean up our act. Time to get organized. It's frustrating when you're so busy and the one thing that is holding you back in getting the mess in your office cleaned up. In Paul's video
blog (see YouTube video below) he shares this frustration. We had read an article in Business 2.0 magazine on David Allen. According to the
article, David is a "management guru who has learned to relax, go with the flow and market his mysterious elixir of success." This article content has encouraged us to clean up our act.
5 Tips to Cleaning Up Your Paper Files On Your Desk:
1) Start by sorting thru your giant paper pile making it into 3 smaller temporary piles labeled "To Read/Process", "To File", "Throw Away". Once the pile is sorted, throw away the third "throw away" pile. It feels good to do so.
2) Make file folders to avoid collecting piles of paper on your desk.
3) Use a file sorter to orgazine your file folders so that they aren't "piled" back onto your desk.
4) Wipe down the clean desk space with a surface cleaner.
5) Sit back and relax. Put your feet up on your clean desk and admire your hard work. :)